Saturday, June 23, 2018

WOW it's almost the 6th week

Hello everyone..WOW it's almost the 6th week in the GSoC and I'm in the edge of completing UI related improvements and with the help of my mentor, I think I can complete almost everything within the coming week.
In the previous week, I have successfully completed the Charts display optimizations and I had some spare time to move into the other task too which is related to some internal UI component called RangedEditText.

The above image shows the changes I have done to the Charts display fragment. In nutshell, I have just moved the child component of the previously existed ExpandableListView by opening it on a new Activity. It makes the whole TabView activity lite and run smooth.
Within next week I hope to conclude all the UI related tasks and then move into the Security tasks under the guidance of my mentor Shivang.I guess that ll be all for now.Catch you all later.

Monday, June 18, 2018

UI improvements continues

Hello folks,

After completing the progress Dialog improvements I have moved into the Charts section in the Patient's Dashboard. The current Chart section is quite a mess and it makes the whole tab layout as I promised in my proposal I have created a separate activity and migrated the expandable Listview component to there.
Now when a user clicked on a particular vital the request will open a new activity and show the relevant chart to the user in there.
Currently, I'm optimizing the chart displaying activity and hopes to complete it in this week
That's the wrap for previous week and let's meet next week with some more interesting news.

See ya

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Progress Dialog Improvement

Hi Everyone,

It's almost 4th week in the Google Summer of Code 2018 and Everyone including myself has been busy doing the tasks relevant to the projects we have been assigned.
This week I have been busy with improving the Existing progress dialog and with the help of my mentor I was able to redesign it according to the standards requested in the project page.

Above diagram shows the newly redesigned Progress Dialog and I have also made a pull request to Project repository with the latest changes.
Next week I'm expecting to continue the UI improvements by starting the Charts optimizations.I guess that will be all for now. Se you people.

Monday, June 4, 2018

UI improvements to create a better user experience

Hello everyone
This week I have discussed some new things with my mentor to improve the User experience related tasks which has assigned in the project task list and I have started implementing the Progress Dialog related task.The currently existing progress dialog design has some major problems with the way it renders in the user interface such as It is taking unwanted space from the layout So I have to think of a proper way of redesigning the dialog layout to avoid this space problem.Currently I'm working on it and will make a PR as soon as I have something to push to the main repository.
I'm also continuing the Provider module implementation I have stated as my first task in previous weeks and will update the progress in here.So i guess that is all for this week and hopes to catch you guys later with some cool stuff I did.Until then see ya